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Wild Creek Journal

Our Winter Books

Our Winter Books
We adored our Christmas books during the holiday season but once they have been put away, we pull out several Winter books that remind us of all the joy that truly can be found during these cold months.  We find ourselves cuddled close together more in Winter, reading the day away.  It often seems these books spark imaginations and we will change our nature table to suit the theme of them, often pulling in characters from the books.  What were once peg people are now snow children, the wooden pond is flipped to show it has iced over, and some of our wooden animals go to hibernate in makeshift caves and burrows. Continue reading

Our Tips for Transitioning from Naps to a Period of Rest

Our Tips for Transitioning from Naps to a Period of Rest
The switch from naps to rest can look different for every child.  Some children decide to stop napping on their own, while others seem to need parental guidance to move away from naps and towards a rest-time.  When Fox turned 4, he began having a hard time falling asleep at night.  The nightly struggle between parent and child for rest and sleep lasted for hours, beginning around 8pm and with him finally sleeping somewhere between 9:30 and 10:30pm.  As you can imagine, this left my husband and I with very little evening of our own, one using the time to work and the other trying to get him to sleep.  It also seemed to leave Fox in a chronic sour mood.  He was not getting enough solid sleep at night, which meant he would crash hard for nap and be wired at night.  We first tried shortening his nap but it seemed any amount of day sleep would keep him up at night.  So, we made the decision to halt naps completely and move to a time of rest.  The transition was difficult in the beginning, Fox would beg to sleep so it really took quite a bit of guidance on my part to keep him awake.  But, once his body fell into the routine, magic happened. Continue reading

On Building A Rhythm

On Building A Rhythm
Autumn is a time of renewal and refreshment, little pockets full of the season’s treasures:  fat acorns, conkers, and fiery, fallen leaves. After the hurried, frenzied pace of summer, where the focus is ever outward, ever onward, Autumn brings with it a slowed pace and a beginning of the turn to our inward being.  Our inner flame begins to shine again, small at first but ever growing as we near Winter. This inward movement is a wonderful time for a rhythm refresh, or to begin the journey towards one if you’ve never had one before. The idea of creating a rhythm can seem daunting at first, but in reality you likely have the bones of a rhythm in place and simply adding structure to it and writing it out will solidify your days tremendously. Continue reading

Spring Nest + Explore Newsletter

Spring Nest + Explore Newsletter
We are in the thick of our Spring Rhythm and it feels so good to add some color back to our days.  My 2 and 4 year old's have been enjoying helping to clear away a spot for our garden, finding the earth so newly full of life again.  We have been reading all the Spring books, mainly checked out from the library. Continue reading